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EU Cookies Directive The EU Cookies Directive is part of an ePrivacy Directive amended in May 2011. In the U.S., acceptance of cookies is implied through the acceptance of the Privacy Policy. There are no notice requirements. In contrast, the EU places extensive notice requirements on companies. The EU Cookies Directive requires that: You must notify users that cookies are being used on your website, including which cookies, why they are used, and how, Users must indicate consent to the cookies, usually by clicking an "I Agree" button or checkbox, or If you provide a visible notice on your site that cookies are being used and if the user continues to browse, they accept the cookies. Most EU companies provide a cookie consent notice or active consent platform when it comes to cookies and create a separate Cookies Policy agreement. Here's how BuzzFeed has a cookie consent notice that lets users make choices, while also linking to its full Privacy and Cookie Policy: